Many traditional colors in Nghinh Ong Quan Thanh De Quan Festival 2024

22/08/2024 25/08/2024

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The 14th Nghinh Ong Quan Thanh De Quan Festival in 2024 will officially take place in Phan Thiet city (Binh Thuan province) from August 23 - 25 (July 20 - 22 of the lunar calendar) with many ceremonies. and the festival is rich in traditional and unique culture, associated with local folk beliefs.

(Photo: Nguyen Vu)

Nghinh Ong Festival of Quan Thanh De Quan traveling to Phan Thiet city in 2024 with a ceremony taking place at Quan De temple (Ong pagoda) including many traditional rituals such as: Ceremony to invite the palanquin of Ba Thien Hau at Thien Hau Palace ( Phu Long town, Ham Thuan Bac) to Quan De temple; Ceremony to invite the Holy Mother; Prayer Prayer Ceremony; Water request ceremony; Opening Ceremony; Ceremony of Inviting palanquin to Than Chieu Respond; Holy Quan Ceremony; The Ceremony of Calling the Spirit of Tien Hien; Lantern Launching Ceremony; The Assembly Halls of Phuoc Kien, Guangdong, Chaozhou, Hainan and Doan Thanh Long presented him; Unicorn - Lion - Dragon performance; Releasing Ceremony; Midday offerings; Offer food; Drop the boat (at Phan Thiet Fishing Port)...

(Photo: Nguyen Vu)

(Photo: Nguyen Vu)

With the purpose of preserving and developing the traditional folk culture of the Chinese people, a part of the community in the process of formation and development of Phan Thiet city, the festival is also known as Nghinh Ong Quan Thanh. The Imperial Army set out with the Nghinh Ong group (about 1,000 people) starting at 5:00 a.m. on August 25 (July 22 of the lunar calendar) from Quan De Temple, marching along the central streets of Phan Thiet city (belonging to Duc Wards). Nghia, Lac Dao, Duc Thang) with procession members including: Quan De Temple Dean: Phuoc Kien Assembly Hall, Guangdong Assembly Hall, Chaozhou Assembly Hall, Hainan Assembly Hall and Guan De Temple.

(Photo: Nguyen Vu)

(Photo: Nguyen Vu)

The festival of Nghinh Ong Quan Thanh De Quan traveling to Phan Thiet is traditionally held every 2 years (even years of the solar calendar) with the meaning of praying for favorable weather, lush crops, and a peaceful life. The festival takes place according to traditional rituals, including the ritual of Nghinh Ong traveling through the streets of Phan Thiet city. The festival is currently a traditional festival serving tourism development, contributing to promoting the image of Phan Thiet - Binh Thuan destination to domestic and foreign tourists.

(Photo: Nguyen Vu)

(Photo: Nguyen Vu)

Nghinh Ong Quan Thanh's departure route is as follows: Quan De Temple - Tran Phu - Crossroads - Phuoc Kien Assembly Hall - Nguyen Hue - Quang Dong Assembly Hall - Dinh Tien Hoang - Ly Thuong Kiet - Trung Trac - Trung Nhi - Assembly Hall Chaozhou - Tran Phu - Doi Cung - Hai Nam Assembly Hall - Trung Nhi - Nguyen Van Cu - Crossroads - Tran Phu - Trieu Quang Phuc - Ngo Si Lien - Ngu Ong - Trung Trac - Nguyen Thi Minh Khai - Nguyen Tri Phuong - Ngo Si Lien - Quan De Temple.

(Photo: Nguyen Vu)


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