Propaganda and implementation of the National Biodiversity Strategy until 2030

07/03/2024 2190 0
The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism has just issued a document requesting specialized departments and affiliated units to implement the National Biodiversity Strategy until 2030, with a vision to 2050.

(Tuy Phong moss beach; Photo: Nguyen Vu)

Accordingly, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism requires the implementation of propaganda, thorough understanding and dissemination to all civil servants, public employees and workers throughout the industry about the view that biodiversity is Important natural capital, the foundation that contributes to ensuring sustainable development of the country. Biodiversity conservation is one of the effective solutions to protect the environment and adapt to climate change; raise awareness and thinking about the role and importance of biodiversity conservation in development policy planning; awareness of nature protection, wildlife protection, building a culture of friendly behavior towards nature and compliance with the law, fulfilling social responsibilities in preserving nature and biodiversity.

Depending on the specific conditions of each agency, the unit will strengthen appropriate communication activities to widely advocate and propagate not to consume or use wildlife products; Promote the participation of the community and media agencies in detecting and preventing acts of illegal exploitation, captivity, trade and consumption of wild animals and plants. At the same time, pay attention to and integrate the implementation of biodiversity conservation requirements in implementing the contents of the National Target Program; Related programs, schemes, projects and tasks of the Industry have a great impact on biodiversity.

In addition, diversify the form, content and methods of providing information on biodiversity to suit each audience; Regularly post information and disseminate laws on biodiversity conservation; Honor examples and initiatives of organizations and individuals on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity on electronic information pages and social networks managed by the unit.

The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism assigned the Department of Tourism Management to advise on documents to disseminate and direct the Management Boards of tourist areas, destinations, and tourism businesses to implement the requirements. manage and protect the natural environment according to the provisions of the Law on Environmental Protection to contribute to the effective implementation of the national strategy on biodiversity until 2033, with a vision to 2050. At the same time, coordinate with The Department of Natural Resources and Environment develops and organizes the implementation of requirements on biodiversity conservation in the development of nature-based tourism and eco-tourism.

Specialized Departments and affiliated units implement and report results to the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism (mid-term report before July 15, 2025 and final report before July 15, 2025). 7/2030) to summarize and report to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment according to regulations.

Nguyen Vu

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